Sunday, March 22, 2009

Inspiration for "American Made" | Robert Rauschenberg

I've started work on a new animated short called "American Made". The title definitely gives a bit away about the subject matter. Once again, it will be a bike extravaganza. As I've been story boarding and getting ideas to paper I spend quite a bit of time looking at other work to get inspired.

I never get tired looking at the work of artist Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008). Maybe it's something about his ability to bring different kinds of media into a cohesive, singular piece of work. I especially appreciate his use of found images, and collage materials that are used to structure a visual story. I've always felt that the most fascinating works of art are the ones that follow a narrative (yes, my film making biases coming through), and allow all people (regardless of background) to leave with some feelings or thoughts on what is attempting to be shared by the artist. Ok. Now for a completely random Rauschenberg tid-bit... I recently read on Wikipedia that Rauschenberg was rumored to have romantic relationships with both Cy Twombly and Jasper Johns at some point in his life. All I can say to that is... Wow.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Season's Final Weekly Riot: Video Park 09

Every year Crotched Mountain (yes, this is, honestly, the mountain's real name) puts together a park specifically built for photographers and videographers, and invites New England's best riders to attend. This years highlights included rails designed with neon and fire eaters.

The Weekly Riot #008

I've been busy this winter spending days on my snowboard shooting footage, at a local ski resort, for promo and broadcast videos. The video above is one of a series of videos done for Crotched Mountain. The Weekly Riot #008 was shot during the traveling snowboard competition called The Main Event. To see some of the other videos, check out Crotched Mountain's vimeo site.